The Otter Lake Ratepayers’ Association (OLRA) has been in existence since 1962. Your OLRA membership supports our efforts to protect our beautiful Otter and Little Otter Lakes. As well, your membership entitles you to receive our informative newsletters, notices of issues facing our lake community, participate in events, stand for election to the Board, participate in our surveys and vote at meetings.
To become or renew your OLRA membership click here Thanks for your support!!
OLRA addresses issues of concern not only to Otter Lake and Little Otter Lake but also to Seguin Township. OLRA is one of the most active ratepayer associations in Seguin with a Board of up to nine directors and the participation of passionate, fun loving volunteers. Are you interested in joining our Board? Send us an email to
OLRA’s Aims and Objectives:
We work to promote and preserve water quality and water levels through monitoring and by taking appropriate actions to maintain the ecological integrity of the Otter Lake watershed.
We inform and educate Otter Lake residents, and where possible, their guests and transient users of the lake, about the ecology of the area and ways to protect and sustain it.
We advocate on behalf of Otter Lake residents and inform them of issues that concern them. We do this by working with the relevant levels of government and non-government agencies wherever possible to voice the concerns of Otter Lake residents on issues affecting them and the lake environment.
We promote a friendly, social and considerate Otter Lake community.
To achieve the above aims and objectives OLRA:
- publishes a newsletter in the spring and fall
- invites the Mayor and Councillors to attend our Annual General Meeting to update us and hear our concerns.
- gives our members a voice on matters before Seguin Council
- tests our lake water quality as part of the Lake Partner Program run by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
- participates in and funds a site for the Seguin benthos (“bugs in the mud”) monitoring program
- Initiated a eDNA sampling project in 2022 with Nature Metrics North America to help determine the biodiversity in and around our lakes
- participates in the Birds Studies Canada’s Canadian Lakes Loon Survey
- hosts an annual Canada Day Boat Parade, a BBQ and photo contest (see our photo galleries)
- participates in informal meetings with other Seguin Township Ratepayer Associations
- hosts all candidate meetings in Municipal Election years
OLRA is a member of FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association) and the GBB (Georgian Bay Biosphere Mnidoo Gamii), the UNESCO World Heritage Site in which our lake lies. As well OLRA supports SQL (Safe Quiet Lakes).
To become a member or to renew your membership click here. Many thanks for your support!!!
The OLRA By-laws are below.