Congratulations to all the winners now featured in our Galleries! Many thanks to all who entered this year’s 62 amazing entries. It is always such a pleasure to see the wonderful pics of life at Otter and Little Otter Lake. And many thanks go to Julie Hoffman for organizing this year’s contest too! Click here to see all the winning entries.
2024 OLRA Family BBQ – A Fun Time Had By All!
Over 100 people came out to play a variety of games, win lots of prizes, meet their lake neighbours and enjoy an ol’ fashioned BBQ lunch cooked by a cheerful bunch of volunteers.

Many thanks go to our awesome volunteers (Rob, Chantal, Evin, Marty, Naama, Ellie, Sophie, Levi, Tony, Margaret, Paula, Dan, Brenda, Maureen, Dom, David, Suzanne, Charlotte, Cooper, Brad, Brian, Nicole, Dave, Islay, Brian, Gerry, Janet, Kerry and AJ)! Your ideas, creativity and efforts made this event happen without a hitch!!

Thanks also to Emma and Julie from the Georgian Bay Biosphere for updating us on the GBB’s initiatives to hatch threatened turtle eggs, remove invasive species, their bioblitzes and lots more.
A bin of non-perishable food was donated to our neighbours in need via Harvest Share. Thanks to all who brought items along for that important cause. We’d also like to thank our local sponsors who helped make this event a success. Lastly, thanks to all who participated and made this such a fun event!!
Recording of the 2023 Otter Lake Wave Study Presentation June 5th, 2024
Dr. Chris Houser gave a fascinating presentation on the 2023 Otter Lake Wave Study results. One of the key findings is that Otter Lake, with its many narrow areas, has some of the highest measured wave energy (from boat wakes and their reflection off of the lakeshore) of all the lakes studied by Dr. Houser and his team.
If you have evidence of the impact wakes have had on the lake over time (i.e. old photos showing change) and/or your shoreline and structures, the research team would like to document that impact. Please send such info to:
To view the webinar recording: 1) click here 2) enter this Passcode: *RW0%!tW
To download the presentation from Dropbox click here. (this is a large file).
To download the report click below.
Thank you to all who joined in the webinar and for your questions. We again say a big thank you to Chris for his lively and informative presentation last night and for doing such ground breaking science right here in the Parry Sound / Muskoka area.
Waves vs Wakes: Their Effects On Our Lakes

Join us to learn the results of the 2023 Otter Lake Wave Study conducted by Dr. Chris Houser and his team. Dr. Houser is a leading researcher in the study of waves vs wakes, how much energy they unleash in our lakes and how lake topography affects the way that energy travels.
Share Your Fav Otter Lake Moments! Contest Closing Tuesday Oct. 15th … Enter Now!
It’s that time again!! Time to grab your phone and camera and click away. Share your Otter Lake moments with your fellow OLRA members. Prizes will be awarded in the Adult and Youth (16 and under), categories of People, Scenery and Wildlife. Contest opens Saturday, May 18th and closes Tuesday, October 15th, 2024.
Voting will take place shortly after the contest closes. Photographs will be uploaded to our website’s Gallery, on, and may be shared in the OLRA Newsletters and other communications. Winners will be announced in the fall newsletter and on the website. While we welcome entries from family and friends, all photographs need to be tied to a current OLRA member.
The contest is open to OLRA members, family and guests; however only OLRA members and their immediate family are eligible to receive prizes. (Please note that photos with advertising or political endorsements will not be accepted.)
Category prizes are as follows: 1st prize $25, 2nd prize $20 and third prize $15. Overall winner receives $25 and ultimate bragging rights! Congratulations again to Jillian Hurley,our 2023 overall winner, for her adorable critter pic.

Send your photos from any season, taken on or around Otter Lake, and email:
One photo per adult category. Youth (16 and under) may submit up to 3 entries.
Photos must be 6 MB or smaller in size.
Along with your photo, please include the following information in your email: the preferred category, contact information (email and mailing address), the OLRA membership name tied to the entry and a brief description of the photo. You may also complete this information by using this form. It’s that simple!
We are looking forward to seeing your special Otter Lake moments!
Rain or shine, have fun with your lake neighbours and friends at the 2024 OLRA Family BBQ! Games for all ages! Kids craft project with prizes! Free Admission. Meal tickets available @$10 ea by emailing
Aug. 10th from noon – 3pm outdoors at the Foley Community Centre, 60 Rankin Lake Road. (Indoors in the event of inclement weather.)