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The ice is back “in” on Otter Lake
This has been an odd winter so far. The ice was declared “in” on Dec. 22nd 2024 and then a week later on Dec. 30th it was open in many places due to heavy rains and warm temps. Today it is back “in” and hopefully will have a chance to thicken up for winter fun! […]

The 2024 Aquatic Environment Report for Otter Lake and Little Otter Lake
This extensive report covers water quality, fish species including consumption guidelines, measures of the biodiversity (via benthos and eDNA sampling) and compares our lakes to others in Muskoka. Did you know that ninety percent of all aquatic life depends on the area where land and water meet for at least part of their lives? In […]

Our Area
The original Indigenous name for Otter Lake was Nigge-Cu-Bing, meaning ‘Lake of Many Otters‘. Otter Lake is located in the Township of Seguin (formerly Foley Township), in the District of Parry Sound. Otter Lake also lies within the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve (GBBR) which is a globally-important region designated by UNESCO in 2004. Eastern Georgian Bay is […]